Due Dates for Sabbatical Request

The following schedules have been established for review of sabbatical leave requests, senior instructor recommendations, and promotion/tenure recommendations for the 2024 – 2025 Academic Year.  

Updated Aug. 28, 2024

Sabbatical Leave Requests


Action Fall 2024
Sabbatical applications launch in Elements September 2, 2024
Applications due to department heads in Elements September 20, 2024
Applications due to Academic Affairs (via LSU Elements) October 4, 2024
Individual reviews by Provost, Vice Provosts, and Vice President for Research & Economic Development October 25, 2024
Collective review by Provost, Vice Provosts, and Vice President for Research & Economic Development  November 15, 2024
Final review by Provost November 29, 2024
Faculty will be notified of approval or denial by Academic Affairs December 6, 2024