Zhenhua Chen
Assistant Professor,
Department of Accounting
2800 Business Education Complex North
PhD Business Administration, Duke University, 2012
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Graduate Education
Assistant Professor,
Department of Accounting
2800 Business Education Complex North
PhD Business Administration, Duke University, 2012
Zhenhua Chen is an assistant professor of accounting at Louisiana State University.
Before joining LSU, he taught undergraduate and graduate courses at Duke University,
Tulane University and the University of San Diego.
Professor Chen studies the determinants and consequences of firms’ financial reporting.
His research has appeared in leading academic journals such as Accounting, Organizations,
and Society, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Business,
Finance & Accounting, and European Accounting Review, and has been covered in The
Wall Street Journal and Forbes. He is particularly interested in how economic, behavioral,
regulatory and political factors affect market participants’ decision-making. His
research has been presented at leading universities such as Yale, New York University,
Duke, University of Southern California, and McGill, as well as conferences such as
the AAA Annual Meeting, AFA Annual Meeting, Texas Lone Star Accounting Conference,
Duke/UNC Accounting Fall Camp, and MIT Asia accounting conference. His research is
relevant to investors, managers, and regulators, and has been presented at the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
For more information, please visit Chen's personal webpage.
Chen, Z., Cihan, M., Jens, C., and Page, B. (2022). Political Uncertainty and Firm Investment: Project-level Evidence from M&A Activity, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
Chen, Z., Kemsley, D., and Sivadasan, P., (2021). The Comprehensive Tax Gain from Leverage, European Accounting Review, Vol 30, No.2, 381-403
Chen, Z., Huffman, A., Narayanamoorthy, G., and Zhang, R. (2021). Minimum Tick Size and Analyst Coverage: Evidence from the Tick Size Pilot Program, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol 48, 666-691
Chen, Z. and Loftus, S. (2019). Multi-Method Evidence on Investors’ Reactions to Managers’ Self-Inclusive Language, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol 79, 1-19