Richard F. Shaw
Position: Emeritus Professor, Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences
Phone: 225-578-3334
Fax: 225-578-6513
Office: 1002Q Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Bachelor's Degree(s): B.S. Biology, Merrimack College, 1973
Ph.D.(s): Ph.D. Oceanography, University of Maine at Orono, 1981
Research Interests:
Larval/Juvenile Fish Habitat and Ecology
Biological/Fisheries Oceanography
Transport and Recruitment Mechanisms and Coastal-Estuarine Processes
Age, Growth and Mortality Analyses
Fisheries and Global Climate Change
Research Administration
Classes Taught:
OCS 1005. Introduction to Oceanography; (3 credits)
OCS 4030. Techniques in Research Presentations (cxc); (1 credit)
OCS 4550. Biological Oceanography; (2 credits first year, 3 credits thereafter)
OCS 7311. Marine and Estuarine Plankton; (3 credits)
OCS/ENVS 4999 Contemporary Topics in Coastal Environmental Science: A Capstone course
(cxc) for our BS program; (1 credit)
Awards & Honors:
1996: Invited International Instructor, Program of Ecology, Fisheries and Oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico (EPOMEX), a joint program of the University of of Campeche and the National University of Mexico, “Research Methods and Administration of Shrimp and Lobster Fisheries” (an International Postgraduate Diploma Course) with Jorge A. Csirke (FAO, Rome).
1994: Invited International Instructor, Program of Ecology, Fisheries and Oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico (EPOMEX), a joint program of the University of of Campeche and the National University of Mexico, “Tropical Fisheries Resources: Ecology, Dynamics and Modeling” (an International Postgraduate Diploma Course) with Daniel Pauley (ICLARM, Philippines).
1993: Invited International Instructor, Program of Ecology, Fisheries and Oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico (EPOMEX), a joint program of the University of of Campeche and the National University of Mexico, “Tropical Fisheries Resources: Recruitment Processes” (an International Postgraduate Diploma Course) with Daniel Pauley (ICLARM, Philippines).
1980: National Science Foundation RIAS Award
1980: Sigma Xi Student Award
1979: National Science Foundation RIAS Award
1978: Migratory Fish Research Institute Student Award
Professional Affiliations and Service Activities
American Fisheries Society
American Geophysical Union
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
Estuarine Research Federation
International Society of Mangrove Federation
Louisiana Wildlife Biologists Association
Southeastern Fishes Council
Selected Publications:
2016. Shepard, J., D.S. Benoit, K.M. Halanych, M. Cannon, R.F. Shaw, and C.W. Wilson. Guest Editors. Special Issue on CoMRI: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science. Oceanography. 29(3):, 232 p.
2016. Shepard, J., D.S. Benoit, K.M. Halanych, M. Cannon, R.F. Shaw, and C.W. Wilson. Introduction to the Special Issue: An Overview of the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. Oceanography 29(3):26-32.
2016. Kupchik, M.J. and Shaw, R.F. Age, growth and recruitment from otolith microstructure for larval and early juvenile Atlantic croaker (Micropogonios undulotus) determined from analysis of otolith microstructure. Fish Bull. 114(1):18-33.
2015. Kupchik, M.J. and Shaw, R.F. Age, growth and recruitment from otolith microstructure for larval and early juvenile Atlantic croaker (Micropogonios undulotus). Fish. Bull. 114:(1):18-33,
2011. Weeks, E., C. Li, H. Roberts, R.F. Shaw, and N. Walker. A comparison of an unmanned survey vessel manned vessels for nearshore tidal current and transport measurements. J. Mar. Tech. Soc. 45(5):71-77.
Cowan, J.H., Jr., C.B. Grimes, and R.F. Shaw. 2008. Life history, history, hysteresis, and habitat changes in Louisiana coastal ecosystem. Bull. Mar. Sci. 83(1):197-215.
Shaw, R.F., J.S. Cope, G.J. Holt, A. Ropke, S. Thorrold, J.G. Ditty, T.W. Farooqi, and J. Rooker. 2008. Comparison of plankton catch by three light-trap designs in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Mexico Sci. (1):1-11.
Diop, H., W.R. Keithly, Jr., R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr., and R.F. Shaw. 2008. Relationship between early life stages of Louisiana white shrimp and subsequent landings. in J.J. Nielson, J. Dodson, K. Friedland, T. Hamon, N. Hughes, J. Musick, and E. Verspoor (eds). Reconciling fisheries with conservation: Proceedings of the 4th World Fisheries Congress, Bethesda, MD. American Fisheries Society Symposium 49:1387-1396.
Diop, H., W.R. Keithly, R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr., and R.F. Shaw. 2007. Predicting the abundance of white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus) from environmental parameters and previous life stages. Fisheries Research 86:31-41.
Diop, H., W.R. Keithly, Jr., R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr., and R.F. Shaw. 2005. Predicting white shrimp, Penaeus setiferus, abundance based on ecosystem parameters and previous life stages. Proc. Gulf Caribbean Fish. Inst. 56:549-557.
Ditty, J.G., T.W. Farooqi, and R.F. Shaw. 2005. Chapter 3. Clupeidae: Sardines and Herrings. Pp. 73-100. in W.J. Richards (ed). Early Stages of Atlantic Fishes: An Identification Guide for the Western Central North Atlantic. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. 2640 pp.
Farooqi, T.W., J.G. Ditty, and R.F. Shaw. 2005. Chapter 4. Engraulidae: Anchovies.Pp. 101-127. in W.J. Richards (ed). Early Stages of Atlantic Fishes: An Identification Guide for the Western Central North Atlantic. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. 2640 pp.
Ditty, J.G., T.W. Farooqi, and R.F. Shaw. 2005. Chapter 27. Order Aulopiformes: Suborder Synodontidea: Aulopidea and Synodontidae. Pp. 301-323. in W.J. Richards (ed). Early Stages of Atlantic Fishes: An Identification Guide for the Western Central North Atlantic. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. 2640 pp.
Lindquist, D.C., R.F. Shaw, and T.W. Farooqi. 2005. Chaper 45. Melanonidae: Pelagic Cods, Arrowtails. Pp. 629-631. in W.J. Richards (ed). Early Stages of Atlantic Fishes: An Identification Guide for the Western Central North Atlantic. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. 2640 pp.
Recent Publications:
In Press: Kupechik, M.J. and R.F. Shaw. Effects of recruitment through the coastal
boundry layer on growth and otolith microstructure of larval Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia
patronus). Fish. Bull.