Mike's Caretakers
On October 21, 1936, Mike I arrived on the LSU campus. For 80 years, LSU has had the privilege of having a live tiger mascot on its campus, and Mike VII, LSU’s current live mascot, is the only live tiger living on a college campus in the United States. He is a symbol of the pride, strength and majesty that is LSU. Caring for Mike is a huge responsibility, and 60 students and three veterinarians have provided care for our live mascot since 1936.
From 1936 to 1976, care for the tiger was provided by the Athletic Department. In 1976, the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine began providing the tiger’s care. You can learn about all of the Mikes in Mike the Tiger: The Roar of LSU, the book written by Mike’s retired veterinarian, Dr. David Baker.
Mike I Caretakers
- L.C. Aycock (1936-1937)
- Preston Vallas (1937-1938)
- Elliot "Edy" Contine (1938-1939)
- Charles Fourrier (1939-1942)
- Osce R. Jones (1942-1943)
- Charles Upp (1943-1944)
- George Thompson (1944-1945)
- E. Loy Upp (1945-1946)
- H. Staton Barlow (1946-1947)
- Brittain Briggs (1947-1949)
- David Melilli (1949-1951)
- Jere D. Melilli (1951-1953)
- Bob Dodwell (1953-1955)
- Gene Smith (1955-1957)
Mike II Caretakers
- Gene Smith (1955-1957)
- Sidney S. Miller (1957-1958)
- Bill Levenson (1958-1959)
Mike III Caretakers
- Bill Levenson (1958-1959)
- Douglas Davidson (1959-1961)
- Alvin Meyer, Jr. (1961-1963)
- Paul Marks, Jr. (1963-1965)
- Joel Samuels (1965-1967)
- Robert Lank, Jr. (1968-1972)*
- Philip B. Aman (1972)
- Randy Kilgore (1972-1976)
- Sonny Corley (1976-1978)
*LSU School of Veterinary Medicine officially takes over care of LSU's live tiger mascot
Mike IV Caretakers
- Sonny Corley (1976-1978)
- Donald J. Harris, Jr. (1978-1980)
- Byron J. Garrity, Jr. (1980-1982)
- John R. Allender (1983-1984)
- John D. DeVun (1985-1986)
- Jeff Larisey (1987-1988)
- Jeffrey Perret (1989-1990)
Mike V Caretakers
- Jeffrey Perret (1989-1990)
- Rollie Norris (1990-1992)
- Shelly Phillips (1990-1992)
- Jeffrey Artall (1992-1994)
- Mark Gentry (1992-1994)
- Lance Hidalgo (1994-1996)
- Randolph Hayes (1994-1996)
- L. Shane Parker (1996-1998)
- David B. Webre (1996-1998)
- Leeth Harper, Jr. (1998-2000)
- Stephen Eastman (1998-2000)
- Matthew Wheelock (2000-2002)
- Kirk Mauer (2000-2002)
- Kevin Bankston (2002-2004)
- Blake Tunnard (2002-2004
- Timothy "Toby" Wallis (2004-2006)
- Nelson Lewis (2004-2006)
- Wendy Day (2006-2008)
- Wesley Lee (2006-2008)
Mike VI Caretakers
- Wendy Day (2006-2008)
- Wesley Lee (2006-2008)
- Adam Caro (2008-2010)
- Kelly Folse (2008-2010)
- Nicholas Cross (2010-2012)
- Randee Monceaux (2010-2012)
- Daniel Cutler (2012-2014)
- Macy Trosclair (2012-2014)
- Lindsey Clemones (2014-2016)
- Trevor Davis (2014-2016)
- Caitlin Bell (2016-2018)
- Christian Folk (2016-2018)
Mike VII Caretakers
- Caitlin Bell (2016-2018)
- Christian Folk (2016-2018)
- Nicholas Fleissner (2018-2020)
- Robert "Tre" Gildersleeve, III (2018-2020)
- Katherine Miley (2020-2022)
- Cora Schneider (2020-2022)