President's Address

Welcome to the 24-25 LSU Staff Senate term. For those I have not met before, I am Olivia Phelps, your President for this term. I hope you're ready for a dose of authenticity, a hint of realism, a little laughter and a lot of inspiration, because together, we're about to embark on an exciting journey. I know I have some very big shoes to fill and my one-liners may not be quite up to par with Josh's… but I'll try to not be too boring and keep y'all awake.

I would like to extend my sincerest welcome to our returning and newly elected Senators. I delighted am to see so many of you here. Your presence is crucial, and not just because the more, the merrier! Being here means you're committed to making our institution a better place for all our staff members. It's like they always say: “Showing up is half the battle!” And hey, who doesn't love winning battles with friends by their side? I am thrilled that you all have chosen to answer the call to support our staff through advocacy, awareness, and appreciation. This is no small whisper you answered, but rather a chant that has been growing louder for the nearly 50 years that Staff Senate has been in existence.

I began my journey with Staff Senate nearly 3 years ago, I started coming for "market research" for my role in HRM. I wanted to see what this was all about - what y'all were providing to staff that we didn't know about, how we could work with you to provide more, and what ways my office and SS could work together to improve our institution. What I found was not only the most dedicated and hardworking group of people, but they were so welcoming and fun to boot! Shortly after, a little bird nominated me to fill a vacant seat and now here we are today.

I said in my speech for the Presidency that I was running because someone asked me to show up. They asked me to participate and take a seat at the table of first the senators, and then asked me to run for the role of president. But the very first step was simply showing up. Showing up sounds so easy… but it shouldn't be taken lightly. It is the first step. The foundation to everything after that initial

decision. If you don't show up, you forfeit your seat at the table and your voice in the future. For the next year, I will be asking you all to show up in various ways. Both literally and figurately.

There's been a lot of talk about engagement recently both in the workforce in general but also at LSU. It's not just a buzzword we toss around to sound important. Engagement is the bedrock of everything we aim to accomplish. When we show up, when we’re attentive, when we truly listen to one another, we create a culture where everyone feels valued and included. Think of it as the secret ingredient in our recipe for success—like the chocolate chips in the cookie dough of collaboration. And we need more chocolate chips. We need more people to be involved with Staff Senate. Not just as senators, but working with our committees and coming to meetings, if simply to be knowledgeable about what we do and what is going on around campus. Knowledge is power and there is strength in numbers. We need both to continue to grow the work and influence of Staff senate across campus.

We know there’s no substitute for hard work. And we do have some work ahead of us! But here’s the good news: we’re not doing it alone. Each of you brings unique strengths and perspectives, and together, we form an unstoppable force. Whether we’re tackling issues big or small, our combined efforts make a real difference. The accomplishments of the past few years prove that we are stronger together. We saw parental leave (FINALLY) come to pass. We've seen merit raises, and improvements in communication and staff inclusion in leadership matters and (will someday VERY SOON) see fees waived. We've already accomplished so much in the past couple years… Picture us as a team of superheroes—minus the capes, unless you’ve got one in your closet! In which case, I've got a job for you at Holiday on Campus.

Our collective voice is our superpower. Individually, we can move mountains; together, we can move the entire university. When we show up, speak up for what’s right, and advocate for our fellow staff members, we amplify our impact.

It's like the difference between a single trumpet and a full brass band—powerful, harmonious, impossible to ignore, and a joy to be a part of.

Here’s to showing up, bringing a friend, engaging fully, working hard, and using our collective voice to make a difference. We’ve got a bright future ahead, but it’s up to us to shape it. As my favorite creator, Walt Disney, once said "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

Olivia Phelps

Staff Senate President
LSU AgCenter